Sunday, June 13, 2010

May Review

Oops! I've gotten WAY behind on blogging!  We've had a very busy spring with Baseball season getting started, school wrapping up, and lots of family activities!
MacKenzie's Christmas Gift of Taylor Swift Tickets finally became a reality on May 6th. Of course, right after this picture my camera battery died!  I have pics on my cell phone that I haven't gotten emailed over yet. This was our original view from our seats that we watched the opening acts of Gloriana and Kelly Pickler. Then a special person hooked up us with Row 2 tickets for Taylor's awesome concert. THANK YOU!!!:) You rocked our world that night! 
 Carson met Ben's cousin, Kevin, for the first time. He warmed up to him really quick with a "ride" on the dirt bike!
Grandpa Grier's lap is often filled with both boys! Carson even shares his "Eye" blanket...sometimes.
We had a fun night with lots of friends, kiddos, and pups celebrating Casey Wetjen's 30th birthday.
The boys played hard all night, but one thing could make them slow down...for a little while...LIGHTNING McQUEEN! (L-R: Bryson, Braylon, Grady Wetjen, Carson)
Even the big boys were big fans of the movie. (L-R: Clayton Steckly, Kaden Wetjen, Grant Hocker)
Happy Mothers' Day!
Mommy's gift was getting to sleep in and a day with no agenda.
We went for a drive thru the Coralville Reservoir, shopping, out for ice cream, and golfing.
Ben got me a really cute Lisa Leonard stamped charm necklace that arrived a few weeks later, with a charm for each boy, one for our dating anniversary, and one with our wedding date. Awww.
Lily Andrews birthday Party at Gym Nest in Iowa City, May 23.
Blurry action shot of the birthday girl getting ready to take a leap, with Macey watching.
Above, Macey Kent and Clayton Steckly trying to move around in the foam pit, Rich helping Lily climb the rope ladder, and Ben (buried, see arm) holding Carson (center) when they took the plunge in!
Mandy and Cael Steckly entertaining Brady
Carson with Nolan, Kelly, and Macey Kent on the trampoline.
Brady was showing off his rolling over skills! He rolled over for the first time on May 22nd!
The Dads had plenty of fun at the Gym Nest, too. Ben led the way of their tumbling antics, daring all to try to springboard flip onto the big mat. Above, Rich didn't quite make it. Sorry to share, but it was a fun action shot!
After all that playing, Carson devoured a bag of Cheetos
Again, I need to get the photos from my phone. Macey and Nolan joined us at the Baseball field and the three had SO much fun playing in the dirt pile, they were caked in red mud! First stop at our house was a quick change into swim diapers and a run through the sprinklers!  Then, into the tub! I cropped out the bodies, but you could hardly see them anyways with how dirty that bathwater was! Nothing proves summer fun like a black line around the tub!
Still blogging on May....Memorial Day weekend!!
Brady's first backyard water fun on the playmat!  
He was not too big a fan, a little too cold of water!
Carson trying to lend cousin Ella a hand.
We're going to need a bigger wagon for Carson to hold Brady and more...


Nicky said...

Good to see you back in blogsphere. Henry and Carson will have to race at the tractor pull on the 4th of July events!

The Grier Family said...

It's on! Carson's been in training for the gold! He loves riding his bike and tractor this summer. He's got crazy muscle legs for a toddler from the addiction! Yes, I had quite a lot of catching up to do on the blog and have saturated it with recent updates! I enjoy checking in on everyone else's. I feel like I keep in touch with you guys via blog since summer's been so busy!