Monday, February 8, 2010

Four weeks old today!

Brady freshly bathed and all dressed up to go cuddle with Mommy's office gals.  He got lots of lovin'!

Random visit by Uncle Bob. Carson was very excited by his visit, as with all visitors, he thinks they are here to play with him!:) Uncle Bob was passing by W'burg because employer is trying to get the job for doing the University of Iowa's security for games and events. C'mon, Hawks! Give 'em the job and we could have more visits... and maybe seat upgrades!;)

Last Saturday at Grandparents Griers. "Typhoid mommy" here had a 101 fever and sinus infection that day. Then our family plague spiraled with Carson and Brady getting fevers Sunday night. Carson had flu-like symptoms and fever Monday, then recovered quickly.  Brady's fever continued, but still was a happy guy. Monday at the doctor's office got the diagnosis of BOTH boys had single ear infections. (AND Brady weighed in at 11 pounds 3 ounces!!) Brady's fever continued to rise slightly and he was eating less, so we returned to the doctor on Tuesday and he was admitted to Mercy Hospital in Iowa City for tests and observation.  They weren't able to get an IV in, but he started eating better after his first round of antibiotic shots. His fever broke Tuesday night and all the tests came back clear except for RSV positive.  RSV is basically the common cold virus, but it affects infants so much stronger.  His final diagnosis was upper respiratory and ear infection with RSV. We are very thankful the great nurses and doctors that cared for us!
Brady is doing awesome! He was a happy guy through the whole thing, and now just has a stuffy nose and a huge appetite. 
Unfortunately, Daddy finally got hit hard by the virus/bug and has had a terribly sore throat since Tuesday and had doctor's orders to not hold or touch Brady until today (Monday)!  Carson ended up staying at Griers from Tuesday to Saturday. We missed him greatly, but was good to be able to get more rest and time to disinfect the house before his return!
Yippee! I'm healthy!:)

Super Bowl supper at our house. We didn't go out to the parties with Daddy still feeling sick. Carson had a little team confusion watching the Saints/Colts wearing his Hawkeye Stanzi uniform and Bears stocking hat! 
After bath-time photo session for Brady's 4-week birthday. His hair is getting a little lighter but is still out of control with cowlics (spelling?). I think Brady looks a bit more like Ben in his baby pictures than Carson did. He's starting to develop some more of his own features and not such a Carson clone! Ok, but they still look a lot alike.
Maybe I think he looks like Ben because he has a mullet already! lol
We're going to be ready for a first haircut soon!! (no rat-tails allowed in this house!)

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