Monday, January 25, 2010

Busy Week

Brady did pretty well posing for his birth announcement photo shoot with mommy! Check-out his Buddha belly!

Thinker pose.

My boys chillaxin' with Daddy.

Ben's Aunt Julie Cheney and their cousin, Mary Karen (of Chicago area), visited and brought dinner on Monday night. These gals are so silly together!:)

Ben's cousin Jono (Jon) Cheney, his wife Denise and son Cael visited on Tuesday afternoon.  Cael just turned 1 this month!

Kelly and Jason Kent and family brought us dinner on Thursday night.  Nolan is now Carson's BFF at Susie's Daycare. These boys play so hard!  Big sister Macey was pretty curious about Brady.  Macey: "Megan, why are Brady's feet so little?"  Megan: "He's just a baby, everything is little now and will grow as he grows."  Macey:  "Look at my feet, Megan. They are big."  :)

Ben's college and hunting buddy, Tim Myers of Mt. Pleasant area and his family came to visit us on Friday night.  If you're new to the blog: Tim's wife, Brandi, was in Megan's sorority at Simpson and graduated with Bob.  Their daughter, Presley, is two months older than Carson, and their son, Landry, was born in July.  Landry is a big boy already!

Presley and Carson had so much fun! Lots of playing, chasing, and squealing! At the end, they were so cute giving hugs and kisses good-bye.  Darn camera delay time, we couldn't get a good picture of it!

Ben's Aunt Deb visited on Saturday morning.
Also visiting again were Great-grandpa Phil and Carolyn.

Ben's Uncle Bill Sutfin (above), Aunt Tammy (below) and cousins Shannon (next below) and Bryant (not pictured) also visited on Saturday.  They were in town watching another relative's girls' basketball tournament at Mary Welsh Elementary, just 2 blocks away.  They took Carson out for a fun afternoon of watching games and a trip to McDonald's.  I enjoyed a much-needed nap during that quiet time! Thanks, again!!

Da Bears.
Ben's family is Bears and Cubs crazy. The coat was Carson's 1st b-day gift from Uncle Bob and Aunt Rochell. The hat is a handy-down from Bill's boys to Chase to Carson.
We have been showered with great gifts of clothes, diapers, and meals from family and and through the years!  Thank you so much, everyone!!!

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