Tuesday, February 23, 2010

6 weeks old, hmm?
It's a tough life! lol
My Boys
Brady is such a good baby! Very easy going. Only cries a little in the evenings. Had his first night of almost 9 hour sleep on Friday night, but hasn't repeated it. Hopefully, he'll remember how to do that again soon! Until then, he's still a 3-4 hour cycle guy.  Brady loves to cuddle and to watch lights, mobiles, and TV.  Entertained by brother, too!  Just started kicking and batting at his toys on his floor gym this week. Only dislikes are when he's hungry and we're too slow to get a bottle, when brother steals his pacifier, and when he can't get a burp out.
Carson likes being a big brother.  He has this happy wide-legged strut he does when he's proud and been a good helper.  His main house duties: feeding Dizzle, putting diapers in the "special place" (box in the garage, he says "ewwwww" the hole way there smiling!), putting away laundry (with a lil help).  He also likes to help give Brady baths and washes his belly and legs for mommy. Carson has found his groove! He loves to clap and dance and watch the TV dance and singing shows with mommy.:)

1 comment:

Hayley said...

Awww! Cute!! Hope I can meet him soon!