Sunday, February 10, 2008

Snowed in!

I Love my Grandpa Jimbo!
Grandpa Jim stayed with us all week and enjoyed lots of time with Carson and Dizzle. Grandpa was here to work at Mom's dental office the full week because Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Dave escaped the snow storm with a trip to Florida! Yes, we were very envious when they called telling of 80+ degree weather and sunny beaches!

Williamsburg got over 14 inches of snow from the Tuesday-Wednesday storm! That's over half as tall as Carson!

OH MY! On Super Bowl Sunday, Carson got to meet some of his future classmates and pals. Above is Tate Schaeffer, son of Darcy and Brad. Tate was born in August (~3 mo. older than Carson) and was entertaining us with loud squeals and giggles. Both boys were "talking" during their photo shoot.

Here's Carson with Griffin Becker, son of Amy and Jason, the hosts of the party. Griff was born in September (2 mo. older) and is a healthy, big boy that shared some (off-camera) smiles, too. Griff was using all of his concentration to keep seated upright on these slipery pillows.

"Mom's #1 fan" didn't feel like looking at the camera, but I had to get a picture with our near-matching outfits. This may be as close as we ever come to the matching dresses that my mom sewed for us when I was little! I can shop WAY better than I can sew!:)

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