Monday, February 18, 2008

Playing with friends and SLEEPING


Chase and MacKenzie came over for a Sunday dinner a few weeks ago and got in lots of time with Carson. He didn't like posing for the pictures, but played hard and cashed out early in his swing. If you've been following his blog, look at old pictures of him in his swing and you can see how much he fills it out now!!! I love his little chubby legs, cheeks and belly! :)

Above, his Valentine's "Heartbreaker in training" outfit for during the day.
Below, getting all dressed up for Valentine's dinner at the Country Club with Mom & Dad.

Nolan Kent and Carson gotta "fight for the right to party" at the Kents on a Friday night. The boys have a lot of the same outfits. Thank you, Carters outlet and Grandmas!

Above: Cat napping on Daddy's chest. What a cuddler!:)
Below: Crashed on Mom's chest...and drooling.
SLEEP-A-HOLIC: Carson has blessed us with three straight nights of 9+ hours sleep. WOW!

Tonight he played for almost a half hour in his Jumparoo. He loves marching, swaying, and bouncing in it. He's also discovered the toys on it and holds on to them like a saddle horn. After the jumping and a bottle, he cashed out for the night in his boppy. Another way of measuring how big he's gotten since his early boppy pictures when he could curl up in the center of it!

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