Wednesday, February 27, 2008

First Cereal

We tried cereal for the first time on Monday night and were not successful. We had waited too long and he was too hungry and mad. So, we caught him when he was just starting to get hungry tonight and he did so good! He ate one tablespoon of rice cereal (mixed with 3 T of formula) and then finished off a 5 oz. bottle of formula! What an appetite!
What a happy guy! Same as with the bottle, we can't talk to him while he's eating or he starts smiling, laughing, and talking to us! Just a little dinner conversation, please.
He did a pretty good job of letting the spoon go in his mouth most of the time. Other times his tongue was pushing it and the food out.
Daddy trying to teach him how to open wide.
Is that all you've got? Notice the empty bowl! He did eat more than he got on his face!!:) Bathtime ASAP after dinner tonight!

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