Instead of an office Christmas party, we opted for a late winter Family Night this year. The Griers (x2), Iburgs, Voss's, Shallas, and Bairs invaded the Burg Bowl for a night of good food, bowling, and fun! We are glad everyone could make it and had a great night! :)
Carson kept himself and others pretty entertained through the night. Here he is with Nancy and Zach, pretending to be interested in the juicebox but only a minute later stealing some of Nancy's fries.
Ah, Grandpa Dave left his fries unattended for his turn at bowling. What a french fry junkie!
Carson (with ketchup on his cheeks!) with cousin MacKenzie
Kari's son, Connor, with Carson's cousin, Chase. The boys loved the glow-in-the-dark accesories we brought out for the Cosmic Bowling part of the night!
And the winner is... After the first round, Ryan, Kathy, and Ben were top scorers (Hula prizes) and Nathan and Kari were the underdogs (St. Patty's gear). At the end of the night, most improved bowlers were Nancy and Connor!
MacKenzie thought it was too bright and Carson should try-on Mom's shades.
Dad wasn't having his boy in lady glasses....his shades made Carson one cool dude!
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