Sunday, March 29, 2009

Twilight obsession

MOM BLOG ENTRY:  Ok, I know that I set this up to be a blog all about Carson.  I'm sorry, I must have at least this one selfish entry.  I've been on a blogging marathon getting this caught-up and it did not feel complete, for me, if I did not share this with family and friends.

Yes!  I have been bitten by the Twilight bandwagon.  Thank you to all of my friends who share the obsession.  On Friday night, my friend Amy had a Twilight Party and a group of 12 or so of us joined for a gift exchange and movie viewing.  I was impressed with the crafty gifts for $5 and less that everyone came up with!  It was a fun night with the girlies, too!  

Twilight consumed me for two weeks.  Every free minute reading the books.  Every second of downtime, replaying what I had read into my own imagination's movie.  The distraction was killing my husband.  If there is an anti-Twilight movement, please do not tell him, as he will join up.

Now that I have read all the books and seen the movie in the theater and on DVD, I think I can move on.... until the New Moon movie comes out and reopens the vault. Hopefully that movie will feature better acting and overall production quality, BUT I'll watch it regardless of reviews because I JUST HAVE TO.   

Goodbye, Edward and Jacob.   For now...

1 comment:

adb said...

it actually feels pretty good to be free of edward & jacob for a bit. i'm trying to read the "adult twilight" book--but not letting myself get too sucked in. thanks for coming friday night!!!
oh, and the babysitter sat. night was spectacular. she even did the dishes! amazing.