Sunday, March 30, 2008

FOUR month update

Hello! Carson had his 4 month check-up on Friday and some more fun shots. His new measurements are 16.5 lbs (80th%, he had that yucky flu-like cold a few weeks ago and is catching back up), 90th percentile for head size, and 27.5 inches long (>95%, off the charts!). Yes, we still have a big boy here!
Developmental update: He's added some new sounds to his "conversations" and we have a lot of fun talking to him and making him laugh! He's grabbing onto things very strongly and loves to cuddle his blankets, especially the afgan-like ones. He likes to try to help hold the bottle during feedings, and we can't talk to him while he's eating or he stops and smiles, laughs, and coos. He'll hold his head up and look all around during tummy time, which he now can handle for several minutes before getting frustrated. He can now sit up with a little support and is much less wobbly. He also is a healthy eater with his rice cereal. We tried pears this weekend and he spit 99% of it back out at us, not a fan yet! AND, mom and dad's favorite...he's back on track sleeping 8-10 hours at night! Yeah!:)

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