Saturday, December 22, 2007

Mom's turn

Carson's 1st bath
A famililar face the first 2 weeks!
Striking a pose (Nov. 30)

Hello! I apologize for the delay for another entry! We have been very busy at the Grier house gearing up for the Holidays and with me returning to work. I worked a full week last week with a nearly full schedule each day and it was exhausting! Carson gave us the best gift of a full night's sleep on Wednesday....7 hours! He's returned to his usual pattern of 2.5-4 hour stretches, but at least we know that he CAN do it and hope that he WILL do it again SOON and more frequently! We are just amazed at how much Carson is growing. He is now fully into the 3 month size clothes and we just past the 5 week mark! I tried to weigh him with me on the scale at home and he is around 11 pounds now. His cheeks are plumping up, but most noticeable is how long he's stretching out! He's more alert and focuses on things now, too. He'll sit in his swing or lay on his activity mat and just stare at the mobiles and toys in a trance for sometimes up to 15 minutes. He smiles a lot, but still just to his gassy belly. No real smiles yet.
We look forward to having lots of quality time with each other and our families this week!

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