Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter Sunday

Chariton Swanson Easter Egg Hunt
Carson sharing his eggs with cousin Ella. 
Aunt Julie makes Ella's cute flower headbands!
Comparing treasures.
Family photo opportunity
Brady was chilling in his carseat on the front stoop.
Sorry, B, not big enough for these fun activities!
Grandma/Nana Margie and the boys.
Uncle Bob and Brady chilling.
Adorable Cousin Ella!
She's getting so big!
She's starting to stand up and has been walking around furniture.
Not long, Bob and Julie, until your house gets turned upside down!!!
Carson was pumped up all day.
Maybe it was the outdoor activities.
Maybe it was the extra attention.
Maybe it was the CANDY!!!
Montezuma Easter with the Sutfins

G'ma Kathy and Brady.
Brady's cute Easter outfit only made it 15 minutes in Monte before a diaper leak made us resort to a sleeper!
171 eggs?!?! 
Carson found about 30.
G'pa Dave and G'ma Kathy got some baby ducks for Easter.
We didn't get inside before Carson to see his initial suprise and excitement,
but he wouldn't leave the ducks alone!
Ben threatened to dump the ducks off at West End Pond
if we had to bring them home.
They stayed on the farm.

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