Saturday, March 20, 2010


We had a sleepover last Saturday night with Cousins Chase and MacKenzie Talbert.  We went out to the Burg Bowl for bowling fun and malts.  Carson got ice cream, but mom's malt was much more appealing!
With the bumpers, Carson did pretty well.  He slipped and fell a few times when he tried to chase the ball down the slippery lane!  Still photos don't capture the fun of the night. Carson was cheering for us and himself: "Go, mom!", "Go ball, go!"  And there was lots of celebration dancing!:)
Carson took some photos of Chase selecting his ball and MackKenzie feeding Brady.

Hey, Grandpa Jimbo! How much will you give me for this split?!? A quarter? I think this split is only possible with bumper bowling!
Carson had so much fun.  He did great! He beat mom's score! (LOL)
We literally had to drag him out of there!
A few weekends ago we went down to Deep River for Seaton's Annual Fish Fry. Here are lots more of our extended cousins. Pictured(L-R): Cousins Denise and Cael, Mom and Carson, MacKenzie and Brady, Chase, (Aunt Brenda in background), Cousins Jen and Marley.
Fun side note: Cousin Marley is 7 months old and Brady now is bigger in weight and height than her!  Cutie pies come in all shapes and sizes! Mine just tend to be XXL.

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