Monday, August 25, 2008

August Update

August 25th--Carson had his adenoids out and ear tubes placed.  This is just before the surgery.  They had a little red wagon there that was clutch for us... we did about 500 laps around the unit trying to take his mind off the bottle (no wake-up bottle is tough for a little one!).

Recovery room.  Sleepy boy.  They said he did great and that it was definitely a needed procedure due to the amount of fluid they drained from behind his ears and how enlarged his adenoids were. (sorry if that's TMI for anyone!)

 Back home a few hours later playing full throttle with his new "Get Well" toy from his "girlfriends" at mom's office. Full of energy like nothing even happened!

Aug. 6-10th: Carson's first Iowa State Fair.  Grandma Kathy bought him this T-shirt last summer....a little snug!
Mom and Dad
Stopping to pick some flowers with "Uncle" Bill.
Mom's Laundry Helper (Aug. 23rd)
Looking for Dizzle.  "Gah, gah"  is his favorite sound to make when he's trying to get people or Diz's attention.

July 30:  Carson's favorite spot in the house, our end tables are his jungle gyms.  We've had to unplug and wrap up the light cords since this picture, they are just too enticing.
August 1: Grand-Aunt Janet from Palm Springs, CA, visited us on her way to Iowa City to reunite with some high school friends.  Grandma Margie had her City High School reunion, too.

Carson LOVED his "Lil Squirt" playmat.  We only used it once before his ear infections started.  Maybe next summer!
Chicago Trip July 24-26: Meeting Carson's Second Cousin, William Cord.  He's mom's cousin Scott's son. We had a great visit with Scott, Nancy, Grace, and William!

Our new friend was a little shy to meet us and was a week late!  So, we'll have to return another time to visit Kortney and Peter Moore's new baby boy.
Checking out Wrigley Field with Mom and Dad.  Start 'em young!  We watched the game from the Moore's place just 2-3 blocks away.  

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